ICT Systems Pakistan

DMS Software

WebDesk DMS Software


webdesk-dms-softwareThe WebDesk Document Management System is the invitation to manage your files in a way they are supposed to be. When running a business it is essential that your important documents are always available to you. If you have to scroll the emails, search different folders or ask you, colleagues, to bring you some respective file, you are indeed burning time. And don’t forget, Time is Money!
This Document Management System is based on the modern principles of the file management protocols that enables the user to get their desired file without any delay. These DMS protocols work the same way like your CRM and other ERP modules. Simple is that you do not have to put additional effort to find something. Instead, you can use that power in some other productive concern. Well, the Document Management System is not all about the text files. You can even store and manage your pictures, videos or any other kind of stuff. And the management is just as simple as Click – and – Go.
While using the Document Management System, you are not bound to follow some strict rules sanctioned by your DMS provider. Here you can put your files as per your desired pattern. Make folders, make subfolders and maintain them as per your choice.
Well, you do not have to keep your laptop with you all the time. Instead, you can get the online availability of your files just like the conventional file transfer kits. Wherever you are and whenever you want you can get access to your files. And it is not limited to just some computer or laptop. Instead, you can retrieve your files on your smartphone and tablets as well.
And on the other side, if you are more concerned about the security of your files. Then you can avail the offline Document Management System that works under strict protocols that only you and your team can handle. Further, do not worry about your files getting stolen. Because the WebDesk Document Management System is equipped with the best security standards that would keep your files protected at any cost.


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